welcome to


a sacred space, a journey into a different story

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THE CREW is an online men’s circle, co-led by Daniel Kudish and Jake Kokot.

This sacred container aims to guide other men who in this moment of their lives, might be feeling overwhelmed, alone, and lacking clarity, and are longing for connection, direction, and peace.


3 Live calls each month, led by Daniel & Jake.
During these calls, we will have the opportunity to slow down, to feel into deeper parts of ourselves, and to relate to other men through our individual life experience .


In between calls, we will stay connected in a group chat, where we will check-in with each other, and report back on our new practices, as well as wins and challenges that come up as we move through life.


As vitality returns, and we start living from a more regulated nervous system, we take steps that align with our deepest values, actions that have a clear direction, and show up with a greater sense of clarity.


Expect to discover new levels of discipline, cultivated through mutual support and accountability. We will introduce various practices, and lean into weekly challenges that will help us develop new habits, and show up as the best version of ourselves.


Our strength lies in coming together as a group of men, guided by open hearts and the willingness to be vulnerable, truthful, and honest with ourselves. This sacred space will allow us to share our self-discovery while also learning to hold space for one another.

$109.00 USD

per month
Join anytime. Attend all of the calls, or only the ones that fit with your schedule.

Live calls are about 90-120min, and will take place on an ongoing rolling basis, alternating between Monday & Saturday mornings, always at 11am EST / 8am PST.

The next calls are on the following dates:

Monday, April 1st 2024
Saturday, April 13th 2024
Monday, April 22nd 2024
Saturday, May 4th 2024
Monday, May 13th 2024
Saturday, May 25th 2024
Monday, June 3rd 2024
Saturday, June 15th 2024
Monday, June 24th 2024

More call dates to follow!


  • “Working with Daniel was a safe place for me to open up about my problems, my traumas, my bad habits, good habits, good experiences, with other men in a safe container, something I thought prior was not possible for men. To hear others share their stories, and realize that we are all going through difficulties, liberated me of many harmful concepts I had imposed on myself. This experience has changed my relationship with myself and others, especially in how I show up for my family life as a father and a husband.” - VLAD

  • “Jake is wise beyond his years, his coaching is professional, respectful & authentic. He held me accountable to my goals, and together we solved many of the problems I was facing both in my personal and professional life.” - Ryan

  • “During the 8 weeks I spent working with Daniel, I learned to reconnect with my body and quiet my mind through positive-habit forming exercises and through the radical honesty shared between the members of the group.” - ED

  • “Love your authentic and welcoming presence, Jake. Thank you for all that you do - your meditations are especially helpful!” - Kathy

  • “Working with Jake was a life changing opportunity. He helped me organize my thoughts and connect the dots in a way that helped me stay consistent.” - Yasmine



My journey started in late 2019, when one evening I consumed a cannabis gummy and was hanging out with my daughter in the playroom. As I watched her re-enact her entire school day, playing the role of both the teacher and the kids, I was overwhelmed with this deep sense that basking in the delight of our children mattered so much more than the obligations and stress we impose on ourselves. I found myself so present in the moment, and felt an infinite love permeate through my body. A couple of months later, the pandemic spread across the world, and our business was facing difficult times ahead. I wrestled with the anxiety of it all for a few weeks, until I decided I would look for the blessings amidst the turmoil. I turned to yoga and meditation, and dove into books about mindfulness and spirituality. Since then, I have taken full control of my inner world, dismantling old limiting beliefs and healing parts of little Daniel that needed some love. I don’t believe there is one perfect tool or practice for everyone, nor that we are ever done peeling away the layers of the inner Self. But I do believe each and everyone of us is much more powerful than we are led to believe, and discovering my own magic has inspired me to extend a bridge to those who seek their own awakening.


My personal mission is to become a strong & connected leader so that my inner feminine and inner child feel safe, protected, provided for, and led. After the slow deterioration of an almost 7 year relationship, I came to realize the extent to which shame & fear were running my life. I made the commitment to be a better partner, communicator, role model, and man. This lead me to the discovery of Breathwork and Sacred Men's Work. Today, I use an integrative approach that merges years of experience to help men strengthen and deepen their relationship with themselves. For me, slowing down with my breath and being in the presence of other intentional men fundamentally changed the way I operate in the world. Knowing that I am supported, capable of expressing emotion, and safe to be imperfect is such a gift. This journey has provided me with the capacity to support other men in embracing their own process of reconnecting to their strength, their truth, and their joy for life!


Jake & I met on the beaches of Costa Rica, in the little town of Samara, where we both reside. Along with two other men, we formed a small & intimate circle that consisted of silly playtime on the beach, followed by sacred conversation around the fire. We have gotten to know each other in that space, and deepened our friendships through one on one time together.

We are both deeply aligned on this mission, and the power that these men’s container inherently hold for all of us. We believe that growth is inevitable, and that by tapping into discipline, accountability, and vulnerability, we can feel less alone as we move through the process of transformation.